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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Countdown to the Spring Fair

We are three weeks from our big day and we are excited to invite the community to join us in the celebrations.  We are finalizing our list of raffle prizes and lists of games and will post very soon.  Stay tuned.

It's not too late to get involved - We need your help to make this event a success!

Raffle Donations

We are looking for donations of merchandise or gift certificates to be included as prizes in our Raffle. We are hoping you can reach out to businesses you frequent, any personal contacts you may have or your employer to secure these items. Official sponsorship request letters on school letterhead providing details of the event are available upon request to

“Show” participants

Do you belong to a karate, dance or gymnastics club? Do you have connections to a business who would be interested in showcasing their services to a captive audience? We are looking to enhance the activities at the Spring Fair by injecting some live performances. This would be a great opportunity to bring attention to your club.


We are looking to collect small prizes (unopened toys, art supplies, note pads, books, gift certificates, or similar that can be used as prizes for the various activities being planned for that day.

Finally and MOST importantly we need Volunteers both in the weeks leading up to the Spring Fair or on the day of the event. Please contact us by email if you are interested in assisting in any capacity-collection of donations, coordinating community participation, supervising an event or a concession stand, event set- up or take-down---anything and everything! The benefit of volunteering are tremendous providing a wonderful opportunity to meet other Orde families and contributing valuable time essential to the Spring Fair’s success!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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